Porcelain crowns: Kim
This patient came to our office after seeing our Smile Gallery, and complained about a very dark front tooth, and also about the crowding of her two front teeth. She also didn't like the appearance of some gum line defects and old gum line fillings. She didn't want to go through orthodontic therapy, but otherwise wanted the best possible cosmetic result. Whitening was performed first. The extent of the crowding and the severe discoloration of the one front tooth, along with her high cosmetic expectations meant that both of the front teeth had to treated with porcelain crowns and minor gum sculpting. The gum line defects and old fillings were artfully and conservatively corrected with dental bonding using both tooth colored and gum colored bonding. The final result was beautiful! Procedures: Porcelain crowns, smile design, whitening, tooth and gum colored dental bonding, gum sculpting, bite guard.